Hi, I'm Raul
Always ready to learn/try something that no one had tried before. Having fun as Chief Architect @ Coppel, ex-Deloitte, Ex-Xertica, Ex-Oracle, Ex-Microsoft, Ex-IBM, Technologist, Speaker & Dad. Here you can explore some of the projects that I created!

Z80 Interface & Debugger with Arduino Mega

Chia Crypto Coin Farming Ring

GPU Based Mining Rig Design

Activity & Health Personal Data Lake

Arduino Pong

Automated Cloud Trading Platform

Automated RFP/RFQ document catalog and answering platform using Machine Learning

CP/M 3.0+ on a Commodore 128

DataHub Integration Platform

Educational Programming with Pilot on a Commodore 64

Fridge Heater Auto Controller

Global Mobile Network Service Hub Design and Implementation

Google Cloud IoT Weather Station with Firebase Cloud Funtions

High Performance Linked Lists in Java

Large Mobile Network Operator Identity & Access Management Platform (Multi Country)

Large Mobile Operator in Mexico SOA Enterprise Architecture Planning and Design

Latin America Large Retail Product Sales Forecast

Leased Phone Line model pool setup for SCO Xenix

Media & Entertainment Company in Mexico BI & EPM Platform Design and Implementation

Mexico Largest Telco end-to-end Identity and Access Management Platform Design and Implementation

ODB Car Monitoring with Raspberry

OSquare Pre Sales Gamification Platform

Office System as a Service

Parental Web Filter for Home

Peltier Cell Cooling System

People Analytics Platform

Print Spooler for Local Terminal Printer for Oracle Forms

Raspberry Hadoop Cluster

Raspberry Kubernetes Cluster

Raspberry Pi based Home Network Monitoring System

Retail Group in Latin America Data Lake Design and Implementation

Reverse Engineering Melco Embroidery Keybord

Robot Intelligence Simulator

SNMP based IoT monitoring

Synology NAS setup at home

TMS 9900 Assembler IDE

Technology Presales Private Cloud

Toy Slot Machine

VOIP Multi Home PBX system

Water Heather Automatic Control

Z80 Based Robotic Arm

Z80 Software Development Platform

Xertica Cloud Technology Unit

Address Validation Engine using Google Maps

Jupiter III Space Ship

Media Center Appliance

Vending Machine Remote monitoring system

Old Computer and Game Console Collection

Serial Lines Multiplexer

Pole Display for Retail Cashier System

Printer Buffer for Wyse 60

Videocipher II Encription Keys Automated Distribution System

LED Display Serial Terminal

Traffic Light Timer Micro controller

Pilot Programming Language for Educational Content Development

Sequential Light Controller on a Commodore 64

CAD for Tajima Embroidery Machines

Timex Sinclair Expansion Box

Automatic Typewriter Machine